
What Are Email Servers

what are email servers

Set-up mail server on EC2 - Postfix, Dovecot IMAP, MySQL | Amazon Web Services | Linux | MySQL

  • Project ID:

  • Project Type:

  • Budget:

    $30-$250 USD

Project Description:

I need an E-MAIL SERVER set-up on Amazon EC2 that will send outgoing e-mail via a third-party SMTP server, as well as receive e-mail that can be collected via IMAP.

This is what I need you to do:

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1. Starting with a blank Amazon EC2 image (64 bit CentOS - Amazon standard), install Postfix, Dovecot IMAP and configure so that e-mail authentication is done via MySQL.

2. Retrieving e-mail should be done through *IMAP only*, and SSL encrypted.

3. All outgoing e-mail on the server should be sent through SendGrid. I will provide third-party SMTP authentication info.

4. Install Postfixadmin (or equivalent) so that I can easily add new domains, virtual mail boxes, forwarding e-mails and vacation autoresponders through a web interface.

5. Install Squirrelmail, so that e-mail can be read online easily.

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 For Dummies
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John Paul Mueller

** I'm looking for a highly skilled system admin only -- you must know what you're doing! **

I'll provide you with a blank EC2 image and private key to access the server via SSH.

Job must be completed within 48 hours on accepting the bid.

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